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Friday, November 8, 2019

7:30 pm to 10:30 pm

Belmont, MA

Jim Solo in Belmont, MA

404 Concord Ave Belmont, MA

phone: 617-484-1054

Purchase tickets online: PURCHASE TICKETS

Website: Second Friday Coffeehouse

Jim Solo in Belmont MA

OPENING ACT: Lindsay Foote

Originally from Winchester, MA, Lindsay currently splits her time between Toronto and Boston. She has already released two EPs and a full album, and is currently working on a fourth release with the support of grants from the Ontario Arts Council and Factor Canada.

Greater Boston’s Original All-Benefit Coffeehouse

Celebrating 35 seasons of great music and charity.

The Second Friday Coffeehouse has been bringing great music to Belmont since 1985. We mostly present acoustic music -- Americana, singer-songwriter, folk, bluegrass -- although sometimes we do raise the roof with some rock and roll on occasion. Most of our headlining acts are locally-based, although we feature performers from within our amazingly talented church community, our church Youth Group, and we host an open mic each year too.

Each year we select a number of charitable organizations to be featured at one our monthly concerts. At the end of our concert year we distribute our net proceeds -- from a combination of our season ticket and concert sales -- among all of our chosen charities.

Ultimately, our goal is to bring great music to Belmont and support a great charity every month! Join us!

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