podcasts that play JBE

Carnal Knowledge Podcast
Charles Hodgson is an author and podcaster and has a checkered history: engineering, whitewater canoeing, space hardware, skate-skiing, electronics, environmentalism, dot-com, writer and wordlover. Charles has also written a book called Carnal Knowledge due out in October 2006
X Pat Radio
British ex-pat on the air with lots of podsafe music and a few friends drop by once in a while.
Five Gallon Podcast
Hosted by Corey and Amy, this typically hour long weekly podcast delivers podsafe indie music submitted by artists and bands from around the globe! With an always odd assortment of 'Five Gallon Panelists' co-hosting live in studio, or via Skpe, this show is bound to bring you an earbud full.
An tImeall
Podcasting from the Margin. An Audio Blog in the Irish Language.
The Procrasticaster is no slave to productivity despite the temptation. Got stuff to do? Set it aside for later and take a little time to enjoy life first.
New Jersey Jamcast
Rob Usdin has been involved in radio and Computing for more then 15 years. He's played support the truth on his show #8.
The Mike and Michelle Show
Chicago native Boobs (Michelle) also has an erotic podcast called "Whispered Pearls". San Bernardino native Bat Rastard (Mike) has his own bent take on things. Together we bring out the worst in each other. Works for us.
Cast On Podcast
got an email from these podcasters about playing Stress. Hope to see us on their podcast soon.
Radical Reflections Podcast
10 years of radio experience, a lifetime of political dabbling, twenty minutes of prep time.
Middle Management Lobotomy Podcast
Kevin J. Williams, C.P.M., is currently a Director of Technology Solutions. His current role is to consult on streamlining the purchasing and payment processes through the use of technology.I've seen Support the truth on their playlist recently.

The Big Break
From the same folks that bring you the Lowcountry Voice, comes The Big Break. A weekly podcast highlighting the best unsigned and independent label music artists. From beautiful Charleston SC.
Snowboarders Radio Show
Mountains, Snowboarding, Snow conditions, weather reports, Snowboarding equipment and Video reviews, music, but most of all the adventures of ordinaery snowboarders surfing Powder.So - I saw WTFMFWTFAYT on their playlist - must have liked the screaming.

High Orbit
Music, news, and feedback from all over the quadrant.
Alternative teen music podcast
With you once a week to bring you music from the podsafe music network. I have a huge mix of genres but all the music is great! Listen and Enjoy!
RobKast Radio
PodSafe Music only, and collaboration of the auditors, with their own work
Suffolk and Cool
Podcast based in Suffolk UK drawing great new music from around the world.A place for musicians and listeners to get together along with some fairly
quirky individuals from this "sleepy" backwater of the UK.

Get Jacked
Play what I like.Say what I like.
Show up when I like.
If there's money in this, I'll KISS Adam Curry

Antecubital Liposuction
Antecubital Liposuction is funny, irreverant (or is that irrelevant), and a whole bunch of other weird adjectives. The closest mainstream comparison would be Dr Demento. Artists reminiscent of Weird Al Yankovic, Spike Jones, Ray Stevens, Cledus T. Judd, Frank Zappa, etc.
Top of the Podsafes!!!
The Real Top Hits, chosen by the people, for the people...so you have no excuse. Hits chosen from the top lists of the podsafe music network. (JBE has 2 songs this week!!!)
Voodoo Radio
I decided to get into podcasting after taking some time off from the whole internet radio thing. Stop on by our site and join in the fun. Call the FECK Line at 206-339-FECK. You wanna know more about the host? Listen in. Ask questions through the comment line or E-mail us @ voodooradio@gmail
Audio Pandemic
Join TWiG & Tasha for the Mixed Drink and Toast of the day, awesome new Music, Wacked out News, Cool Websites, Crazy Guests and enough talk from two crazy people to cause a Pandemic.
The Random Show
Whenever we feel like it, host Jon takes you on a trip into the world ofrandom. A completely pointless podcast, but oh so much fun. Not a waste of
time! On the random show we talk about everything and ANYTHING! So sit
down, grab a tiki glass full of your favorite drink, and listen in!

Curious about the "God" question? Not a believer? Believer? This show is for you! No religious "code words" here. Just straight talk and great music.
Rods Pulse Podcast
This blog/podcast is for faculty and students interested in learning how to use and create podcasts. Podcasts are the latest medium for asynchronous teaching and learning. - Rodney B. Murray, Ph.D.
The Director Podcast
Magicgate Software is a Ft. Lauderdale, Florida company that specializes inmultimedia development using Macromedia Director. Given the amount of
experience we have had with this product, people said we should always
spread our knowledge... so the Director Podcast came to be.

Hate the Radio
An entertaining weekly talk show podcast featuring strong opinions, independent music and the cringe worthy humor of the hosts. Now-a-days the audience can program their own radio station on an iPod or mp3 player and broadcast radio is running scared from podcasting. Let the audio porn flow.
OtakuGeneration.net Podcast
The OtakuGeneration.net Podcast is where otaku-fandom and geeks smash together like a tasty cookie sandwhich! We bring you news, reviews, gadgets / toys, and even guests for otaku in you! Entertaining and informative. Sharing with you a taste of our crazy lives, every Wednesday.
Pacific Coast Hellway
Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff is an author and writer living in L.A. who records his show from his car during his daily commute from Venice, CA. Also listen to us on SIRIUS STARS 102 M-F 6:30pm & 6:30 a.m EST.
DigiVegas Indie Podcast
Paulie Podcaster plays indie music from Las Vegas and beyond from the PMN, or with expressed artist permission. All artists not on the PMN are strongly urged to join!Just a regular guy trying to stay sane and normal in one of the craziest and abnormal cities on the planet!

Much To Do About Nothing
I'm Dwight Dunlop , and I live in Ottawa Canada . I'm new to podcasting so I thought I would start out with a simple format of playing music and letting people know what is of interest to me and interesting things in the world around us.
Jesus on the Radio
A music show that has nothing to do with Jesus.Peter and SarahKat podcast their mix of music and madness from the studios of Bard College's WXBC.

Pinguinux Music Podcast
Weekly show in spanish about the best music on the Internet
Wind On the Plains
A variety show of music and anything else that comes to mind. Being Colorful has never beenso much fun.

Financial Aid Podcast
The Financial Aid Podcast is a free podcast hosted by Christopher S. Penn, featuring the latest information in scholarships, student loans, education finance, and financial aid as well as podsafe music. Work safe, PG-13 for family.
The Podshow About Nothing
Derek Steen is from Sydney Australia. He's an avid photographer (http://djsteen.deviantart.com) and now podcaster (http://nothingpodshow.blogspot.com)! Larger bios can be found at http://shownotes.info/wiki/User:Djsteen, http://djsteen.blogspot.com, and http://geocities.com/djsteen. Peace!