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Solo In Isolation this Saturday, new phonogram imminent & porchfest correct date/time

solo In isolation poster jim in a hat

Back after a month, and ready to play some song ideas and talk about my forthcoming phonogram. As per usual, I will be sitting on my sofa, playing some of my songs, all casual-like. I take requests. Support my songwriting, novel writing, and podcast production at https://patreon.com/jiminfantino/

About that phonogram, I had a working title, but just changed it because it wasn’t really accurate. These are the songs I recorded with Kurt Uenala in Iceland this past February, if you’ve been following along. The songs are being mastered and I should have a release date soon. It is an electronic/ambient/acoustic phonogram of 8 songs based on my Wakeful Wanderer’s Guide novels. It is unlike anything I’ve recorded before, haunting and sparse, and heartfelt.

This phonogram will be available streaming, on bandcamp, and as an eco-friendly vinyl album. Here is an early look at the cover:

If you checked the website in the past months for our appearance at Porchfest, the date and time were wrong. We (Dan, Jesse, and myself) are at the house of the Bell and Lion at 2pm on May 13. https://somervilleartscouncil.org/node/48688

I'm also excited about the upcoming solo in the round show with Terry Kitchen and Danielle Miraglia at The Square Root in Roslindale, MA on May 19. 2 Corinth St. Roslindale, MA 8pm.

Finally, I'm playing a duo (Jesse and myself) concert in Harvard, MA, June 2.

Presented by notloB parlour concerts: get tickets

Fivesparks, 7 Fairbank Road
Harvard MA 01451